Thursday, September 8, 2016

'Our Oktoberfest'

SAN ANTONIO -- Fall is upon Texas and the festival famous in Munich and recreated in genuine fashion at Beethoven is nearly here.

In the spirit of Oktoberfest, Bruno Kriese penned this ode to Oktoberfest as only Beethoven Maennerchor can provide.

Join us Friday & Saturday, Oct. 7-8 and Friday & Saturday, Oct. 14-15, Beethoven Maennerchor, 422 Pereida in the historic King William District of Southtown.

Our Oktoberfest

Oktoberfest, Beethoven Oktoberfest,
is still in TEXAS, the very best.
Good Food, and many an excellent Beer
Great Music and Songs are always here.

Come and enjoy Our Oktoberfest,
see why it's still, in TEXAS, the best!
Enjoy a Bratwurst, a Ruben or Gulasch too,
You will feel like in Heaven, just like new!

Oktoberfest, Our Great Oktoberfest.
at the Beethoven Garten, at it's best.
Gemuetlichkeit the German way,
There's just NO MORE, I need to say!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Sängerfest Success in Floresville

On 1.Mai, the Beethoven Männerchor hosted the 70th Deutsch-Texanischer Sängerbund konzert at the Floresville Event Center. Nearly one dozen clubs from across the state of Texas attended the Sängerfest!

Beethoven, founded in 1867, is the oldest German-heritage singing club west of the Mississippi. The continuation of events like this help preserve the heritage of German-Americans and keep the tradition alive.

For more on the Sängerfest, check out the YouTube videos courtesy of Gloria Keller.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Fiesta Deutsch Stil!

Fiesta, San Antonio's unique two-week celebration honoring the battles of the Alamo and San Jancinto, will bring thousands of visitors to Beethoven Maennerchor. Before the fun commences, though, volunteers spent part of their Sunday getting the facilities in shape.

Grounds Committee chairperson David Uhler called what's been dubbed a Beethoven "work party" for Sunday, where members showed up to perform a number of tasks that needed to be completed.

In addition to Beethoven members, a cohort of workers from St. Phillip's College put a little elbow grease into the projects as part of their coursework.

One of the projects was scraping and repainting the food service area. While the equipment in the outdoor kitchen are well cared for, the awning and structure is exposed to the weather year-round. Removing paint and re-coating the poles and ceiling give the area a brand new look and helps preserve the facilities.

The weather also takes its toll on the many German flags in the garten. That's why members also replaced tattered colors that have flown for a long time with new ones to grace the garten.

Several other work parties this year have been responsible for clearing leaves from the fence lines, sprucing up the parking lot, refinishing tables in the garten, upgrading lights and smoothing out flooring.

Fiesta at Beethoven runs April 20-22 with entertainment such as Cloverleaf with Terry Cavanagh, the Lamplighters, the Beethoven band, and the Beethoven Maennerchor and Damenchor. Tickets are $5 at the gate or they may be purchased early for $3 inside the clubroom during normal business hours. 

Saturday at Beethoven is the favorite King William Fair, where there will be food, fun and music. There will be no cover charge for Saturday's festivities. Hours of operation will be 11 am to 6 pm.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Become a Host Family!

It's the new year, and time to make new goals.

One of them could very well be making new connections. There is an opportunity to do that -- and more!

Aspect Foundation, a nonprofit study abroad program, is looking for host families to provide housing and three meals a day to a student who wants to learn all about the United States and culture in America.

Students abroad in countries like Germany, Norway and Sweden, are searching for families that have the ability to host them for a semester or a full school year. Aspect Foundation says that host families are able to give an incredible gift to fulfill his or her dreams of experiencing life in America.

Plus, you give your family the chance to learn and appreciate different cultures. And you give your community the chance to look at people from other areas in the world with a fresh perspective.

There are five steps to becoming a host family: getting started with a host family information form; applying online; conducting a home interview; choosing a student; and then preparing for their upcoming study abroad opportunity by getting to know your student.

Families may have a lot of questions, so Aspect Foundation put together a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) in order to answer those inquiries and help families understand more about the exchange program and hosting.

Many students on the profile list are currently on hold waiting for their host families to complete their applications and screenings. But more are on the way, according to international coordinators.

Why Aspect? Find out what the world holds for you and your family. You never know what the chance will provide.

You can find out more about Aspect Foundation here. Contact Myca Lopez via email or call her at 210-602-3628.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Kinderchor Giving Back This Holiday Season

Beethoven Kinderchor members at the San Antonio River Parade

SAN ANTONIO -- During this season of giving, children are helping children. 

In the spirit of giving, Beethoven's Kinderchor will be collecting toys and other items for the San Antonio Children's Shelter, one of the oldest charities in the city. The organization offers emergency shelter and residential treatment for children in crisis and helps children find permanent homes through foster care and adoption.

Kinderchor president Kevin Prevost outlined the gift-giving effort on Beethoven's Facebook page.

"The Children's Shelter assists more than 4,000 children and families each year and is a safe place for abused, abandoned and neglected kids, who for a variety of reasons are unable to live at home," he said. "The Kinderchor would like to bring a little joy to the children at the Children's Shelter by sponsoring a toy drive."

Through next Tuesday, the Kinderchor will be accepting unwrapped toys and girls and boys of any age. The shelter asks that toy guns, swords or other violent type toys not be donated. 

Toys and the following items are being accepted at Beethoven during business hours.

• Diapers (Pampers & Huggies preferred) and Pull-Ups (Pampers & Huggies preferred), all sizes
• Baby Wipes
• Formula
• Socks and Underwear
• Twin Sheets and Pillowcases
• Towels and Washcloths
• Gift Cards
• Healthy Snacks
• Non-Perishable Food
• Hair Brushes, Barrettes & Bows
• Hygiene Products

Friday, November 27, 2015

Ring In 2016 At Beethoven!

Friends, where has the time gone?

With Thanksgiving past us, we want to say a special thank you for everyone who contributes to Beethoven Maennerchor. It is a true community of friends that make the club a vital part of San Antonio.

New Year's is on the way and we'd like to announce the details.

This year, we thought we'd hold our annual New Year's Eve party on Dec. 27 instead. That way everyone can enjoy a nice evening in on New Year's Eve and start the year fresh.

KIDDING. No, New Year's Eve at Beethoven will be better than ever with a ton of entertainment, food, fun, and of course a champagne toast at midnight!

It all gets underway on DECEMBER 31 at 9 p.m. Admission is $25. Bring a snack to share and enjoy party favors and a midnight toast.

Raggedy Cats will play us into 2016 as partygoers get down with their bad selves.

Tickets can be obtained in the clubroom. Tuesdays are a great time to come by and get them - then you can enjoy a member's night beverage and get your tickets all in one trip.

2016 is just around the corner. Let's finish 2015 strong!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The Claus Connection

Beethoven's schedule of events continue strong during these final months of the year. 

Even as members reflect on the dozens of get-togethers, birthday celebrations, large gatherings and the small, the calendar of upcoming commitments is unforgiving.

Claus Heide, president of Beethoven Maennerchor, said he is grateful to the scores of volunteers, members and guests who made 2015 what it was.

"The First Fridays, Gartenfests, Fiesta and Oktoberfests were well-received and crowd-pleasing," Heide said.

Next up will be the annual ceremony commemorating those German soldiers who fought in World War II and are buried at Ft. Sam Houston National Cemetery. Named Volkstrauertag, the commemoration this year will be special with American and German guests, including military officials and state leaders.

"A brass quintet will accompany the choir's solemn and cherished songs," Heide said. "We will also welcome a host of dignitaries from the United States and German militaries."

In attendance will be Lt. General Perry L. Wiggins, Commanding General, U.S. Army North, Brigadier General Dirk H. Backen, Defense Attache, German Army, and Nina Petrow, the new Honorary Consul, Federal Republic of Germany, and Ben Buecker.

Volkstrauertag is a public holiday in Germany that occurs two Sundays before the first day of Advent. Held to honor those who died in armed conflicts, or as the victims of violent oppression, the event was first observed in its modern form in 1952.

The last of the First Friday events that Beethoven will host in 2015 will take place on Dec. 4. Entry to the event is $5, with members of the military with an ID, those under the age of 18, and Beethoven members, enjoying free admission. The Beethoven Dance Band will open. Austin rock/pop band Wrenfro will follow with a crowd-pleasing set.

Then it's on to a Beethoven favorite: Kristkindlmarkt, a time visitors can peruse things like knick-knacks and steins to stuff in their loved ones' Christmas stockings! The Beethoven choirs will create a festive atmosphere while vendors and shoppers get in the Christmas spirit.

Throughout the season, the choirs will also be performing their well-rehearsed Christmas songs at various sites around town. Some of them include a performance at the Menger Hotel on Dec. 8 at 7:30; the 111th Deutsche Weihnachtsfeier at Trinity University at 5 p.m. on Dec. 13 at Margarite Parker Chapel; and a river barge concert along the San Antonio River on Dec. 15.

"All of these are wonderful opportunities for Beethoven's choirs to showcase their talents to people in our community, while at the same time spreading the spirit of the season and helping people understand what Beethoven is," said Heide. "One of my favorites is Weihnachtsfeier, a Christmas candlelight service that's held completely in German. The music is extraordinarily meaningful, even if you don't speak German! You will recognize many of the pieces, and even hear a few you don't know."

The events are coming fast. Email us if you have any questions about any of the events. We'd love for you to take part!